Saturday, January 15, 2005

Tressel on the Hot Seat?

Nope. OSU fans care about one thing...W's.

In Tressel's four years, 15 players have been arrested, and there is strong evidence boosters paid his players, tutors wrote papers for his players and instructors fixed grades for his players. Congratulations, Buckeyes, you have completed the transgressional hat trick. A coach can't know everything a player does off the field, but is it too much to ask for a coach to know something?

Then again, it doesn't matter to the fans. Not when Tressel has delivered them a national title and is 3-1 against Michigan."We love you, Coach," one booster called out as Tressel left the Citrus Bowl the other day.Love is blind. Almost as blind as coaches who close their eyes to the corruption around them."

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