Saturday, January 15, 2005

The Middle East and Anti-Americanism

Something just dawned on me this morning.

Name the Middle-Eastern countries where a majority of the population hates/dislikes America? You have Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and even Kuwait and Yemen. What do these countries all have in common. America has traditionally supported the ruling dictatorial regimes.

Now, name the Middle-Eastern countries where a majority of the population likes America? Iraq, Syria, and Iran. What do these countries all have in common. America actively works against, or has deposed, the ruling regimes.

Very interesting. This would imply that the "stability" argument forwarded by the "realists" in American foreign policy (Kissinger, Bush 41, Scowcroft, et al) has actually worked against our interests in the region.

I'll have to give this some more thought.

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