Sunday, January 09, 2005

The Big O...Prophet

Here's a gem from the Big O in this morning's Cincy Enquirer:

ST. LOUIS - Former University of Cincinnati great Oscar Robertson says the NCAA rules under which UC freshman Vincent Banks has been declared academically ineligible for this year are biased against kids from inner-city schools who have trouble on standardized tests that help determine their eligibility.

"I think it's biased against a lot of schools that have poor academics," Robertson said Saturday. "I think it's biased against kids in the inner city where the schools don't have a good academic record. This only hurts the kid."

Standardized tests are biased against kids from bad schools? No, you don't say. I hear they're also biased against stupid kids, lazy kids, kids without a father in the home, kids who spend all of their time watching TV, kids who smoke dope, drug-dealing kids, and kids who happen to be athletes.

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