Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Shut Your Word Hole, Europe

After years and years in the Senate, Joe Biden finally says something worth listening to:

WASHINGTON, Jan. 18 (UPI) -- Sen. Joseph Biden, D-Del., urged Europe to "get over" the fact President Bush was re-elected and work with the United States on common problems.

"I spent a little time in Europe recently, and I have one simple message: Get over it. Get over it. President Bush is our president for the next four years, so get over it and start to act in your interest, Europe," Biden said during the Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing to confirm U.S. Secretary of State nominee Condoleezza Rice. "But that requires us to engage in the hoped-for diplomacy from the gentle lady from Stanford."

Instead of telling this to Europe, he ought to try telling it to his colleagues on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Get over it, Mrs. Boxer.

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