Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Bible-Thumping Democrats

From the WaPo:

...when Senate Democrats met at the Kennedy Center on Jan. 5 as Congress convened, they invited as their main speaker the Rev. Jim Wallis, a liberal [Evangelical] minister who has been urging Democrats to speak more openly about religion. “They gave more time to this than any other issue,” Wallis said in an interview.

Wallis’s main pitch is that Democrats needlessly have ceded to Republicans the religion-faith issue, allowing voters to believe Democratic candidates are indifferent or hostile to organized religion. In fact, he says, the Bible—and Jesus’s teachings in particular—are filled with messages that align more closely to Democratic policies than GOP policies: Help the poor, share the wealth, work for peace.

“Democrats should welcome a moral values conversation,” Wallis said. “As an evangelical Christian, I find 3,000 verses in the Bible about the poor,” far outnumbering mentions of same-sex unions or low taxes. Wallis, author of the book God’s Politics: Why the Right Gets It Wrong and the Left Doesn’t Get It, said federal budgets “are moral documents,” and Democrats should portray them as such.

I like Jim Wallis. Jim Wallis is a good man. I even agree with much of what Jim Wallis has to say. Here's hoping he carries more influence in the future over the secularized, radical Left.

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