Wednesday, January 19, 2005

"Believe in Yourself"

Those words represent the worst advice ever given from one man to another. Case in point: American Idol.

I caught a bit of the show last night. Two things became very apparent. Those with talent were nervous, timid, and even scared. Those with none "believed in themselves." It was a striking contrast.

How often have you been told to "believe in yourself"? I hear it on television (see the theme song to the cartoon Arthur) and in movies. In books and magazines. Believe in yourself! Believe in yourself!

Well, as it turns out, belief in yourself is suicide. The awful performers last night believed in themselves. Even after they were told how horrid they were, they continued to believe in themselves, oblivious to the world around them and the lack of talent that they so clearly displayed.

So here's some advice...don't believe in yourself. Believe in God, believe in your family, or even your friends. But not yourself.

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