Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Money in Politics

Here's Martin Peretz of The New Republic on money in politics:

Had you noticed, by the way, that money in politics ceased to be an issue for the Democrats? There's no mystery why this is so. They and those 527s that circled around the Kerry effort collected much more money than they could spend usefully, which is why there were so many inane ads aimed unnecessarily at New York voters in the New York Times. The problem of money in politics, it turns out, was actually just Republican money. But all the Democratic money that was raised -- nearly $100 million from George Soros, University of Phoenix founder John Sperling, and the imperious chairman of the Progressive Corporation Peter Lewis alone -- accomplished, let's face it, nothing.

Despite the hysteria from Democrats in past elections, money plays a minor roll in who gets elected. Each cycle there are huge spenders who John Kerry. No, most people vote on the issues that are important to them regardless of who has the most advertisements on TV.

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