Tuesday, November 09, 2004

I Have A Question

Kentucky fared even worse with weight problems, with 25.6 percent of its population classified as obese, the fifth highest in the nation. That's up 1.1 points since last year and 13.4 points since 1990.

I don't want to sound flippant, but shouldn't the poorest states have the thinnest people? Why do the poorest states have such high percentages of obese people? Why aren't prosperous people fat since they can afford to eat and lay around play video games? Shouldn't poor people be thin because they don't have much to eat? Shouldn't poor people be thin because they're always working just to make ends meat? Does our traditional notion of rich and poor even make sense anymore? Does our welfare state reward poor people for sitting around and getting fat? As Marvin would say: "What's goin' on?"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dittos Abong!