Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Kerry Debate Bounce?

Kerry clearly won the first debate. Not on the merits, of course, but based on style and proving to the electorate that he's not the total boob Bush has made him out to be. Predictably, the media jumped on this story with both feet attempting to drag Kerry back into the race.

However, it appears the Kerry debate bounce may have already evaporated. Both ABC News and Pew have Bush with a 5 point lead, virtually unchanged from before the debate. I still believe that this election will come down to turn out. The idea that there are still a sizeable chunk of undecided voters out there is silly.

While Bush still has a slight lead in the polls, his electoral numbers are still strong. In fact, he's leading in the electoral count by a pretty large margin. These numbers fluctuate daily, but Bush has been hovering over the magic number of 270 for several weeks now.

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