Thursday, October 07, 2004

5 Years, $500 Million

That's a lot of jack for a radio DJ, but Sirius satellite radio thinks Howard Stern's worth it. So beginning in 2006, the man will pull down a cool $100 million a year.

But two things puzzle me about this deal:

1. Does Sirius really think that the slack-jawed yokels who listen to Stern will plop down $12.95 a month to listen to him? Sounds like a long shot to me.
2. Does Stern fully understand what this move will mean? Stern is clearly a talented guy, but he generates much of his popularity by "pushing the envelope" (for example, having naked women do all sorts of sordid acts on the air). Listeners (particularly young men) are "attracted" to this kind of radio because they're naughty, rebellious, and against societal limits (and, naturally, exciting). Does Stern lose this with his move to unregulated satellite radio where no such limits exist? It will be interesting to see what happens.

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