Friday, February 11, 2005

ER Update

ER is a good show, but it does push its agenda a bit too much. I'm sorry I missed last night's episode. NR Online has the recap:

ER [K. J. Lopez ] I was multitasking so not paying scene-by-scene attention, but basically the plot of last night’s ER was: Dr. Weaver met her birth mother, who was a perfectly nice woman, except for the fact she’s a Christian. The mother is an evangelical Christian who basically said “nevermind” when she found out the girl she gave up at 15 is gay. ER can typically draw you in (though to be honest, I've never been a regular viewer, just occasional), but this seemed more must-shove-an-agenda-down-your-throat than must-see-TV. Wouldn’t it have been much more dramatic to have them work through it—build a relationship despite their very different roads in life? Oh well.

THE ABORTION MOMENT [K. J. Lopez ] One more thing on ER: Dr. Weaver said to her birth mother in their first meeting, "Abortion was illegal, right?" about when she was in the womb. Who the heck asks that? Like, oh, yeah, I should have been aborted. In a saner world, I would have been aborted. Maybe she is supposed to be that messed up, but I think the reality is the writers were just too focused on making their political points.

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