Thursday, November 25, 2004

Rummy's Still My Man

From today's Washington Times:

Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld has entered the fray over the Defense Department's relationship with the Boy Scouts of America, endorsing in a letter to the House speaker continued support of Scout troops who meet on military bases.

At least three conservative Republican lawmakers have sent letters to Mr. Rumsfeld protesting a Bush administration partial legal settlement of a lawsuit brought by the American Civil Liberties Union's Illinois chapter. The Justice Department, representing the Pentagon, agreed to warn military commanders not to officially sponsor Scout units.

The ACLU contends the government sponsorship violates religious freedoms since the Boy Scouts require members to pledge allegiance to God.

I got news for the ACLU: the military services have chaplains for crying out loud (and chapels). Do they know what chaplains do? These bigots need to be stopped.

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