Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Good News/Bad News

The good news is Dan Rather is stepping down as the anchor of the CBS Evening News. The bad news is that he's staying on as a correspondent with 60 Minutes.

I think Andrew Sullivan puts it best:

CBS' SPIN CONTROL: Why on earth is Rather staying on full-time at Sixty Minutes, the show whose reputation he besmirched by rashness and partisanship? Notice the ABC News story barely mentions the memo-gate fiasco. Rather's tenure as CBS anchor was bound to end some time soon. Big deal. A simple question: How can you rehire a man for Sixty Minutes when you haven't even published your own investigation into the journalistic meltdown that he presided over? Shouldn't you wait until you know what actually happened before you declare that someone will stay on full-time? And how long does such an investigation take, for Pete's sake? My bullshit detector just went through the roof on this one.

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