Monday, November 29, 2004

The Real Mean Machine...and I'm Not Talkin' Paul Krue and the Boys

Check out the Mean Machine here. I can't read a word of this gibberish, but suffice it to say these are some bad mothers. They recently won the Swedish National Championship and will advance to the Euro Cup to face Germany in the spring.

So why should you care about football-playing Swedes? Because the baddest, toughest, meanest man ever to walk the halls of Centre College plays for the Mean Machine, that's why. Check out the team picture and look at the first guy on the left that's kneeling. That's Gary Harrison, a.k.a. "Tough Guy." Look at those guns.

The former Marine's no longer shooting bad guys in Baghdad, so now he's taking out his aggression on the gridiron. Let's hope his game has improved since his Centre days. Hopefully the "No Hands" Harrison label didn't follow him to another continent.

Anyway, here's wishing Tough Guy and the boys much luck in the spring.

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