Friday, February 03, 2006

The Most Conservative Hour on TV?

As a fan of My Name is Earl and The Office, I've come to the conclusion that this is the most conservative hour on network TV. Now, I'm not saying it's conservative, but the "most" conservative compared to the typical network offerings.

For example, Earl's entire premise is based on one man's attempt to redeem his past of sin and foolishness. And the office is full of snickers at the usual corporate PC bull$#%^. For example, last night's episode was a hysterical look at Dunder Mifflin's "Women in the Workplace Seminar" conducted by one of the corporate HR suits (and a women, of course). So Michael takes the boys to hang out with the warehouse workers for a little male bonding time. Good stuff.


Anonymous said...

you may be more right than you know. Earl, with the fake west-Texas twang, and the Office, as a metaphor for America(?) led by a bumbling fool.

Doug Fields said...

Ah, but "the wisdom of man is foolishness with God." God bless Earl and Michael.