Friday, December 02, 2005

It's About Time

WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- Since the U.S. Supreme Court banned the promotion of religion in public schools in 1963, the Bible has virtually disappeared from most American classrooms.

But in recent years, as evangelical Christians have grown in numbers and gained political clout in the United States, Bible studies have been creeping back into schools.

Now, a new textbook for high school students aims to fill a gap by teaching the Bible, both the Old and New Testaments, in a non-sectarian, nonreligious way as a central document of Western civilization with a vast influence on its literature, art, culture and politics.

It's so obvious that the Old and New Testament should be taught it's almost not even worth noting. But there are fools out there who are against it. You can't teach science, history, social studies, literature, or any other subject for that matter, without teaching Holy Scripture. The Bible is THE founding document of this country and of much of Western civilization. Finally someone has seen the light.

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