Wednesday, November 23, 2005

The IDers Have Won

The main push of the Intelligent Design movement, according to its proponents, is to be heard. Once given a place at the table, the truth will ultimately win out.

Well, the faculty at the University of Kansas is giving them a place at the table. While their intent is to expose the "myth" that is ID, they'll ultimately expose the shortcomings of their faith in macro-evolution.

LAWRENCE, Kansas (AP) -- Creationism and intelligent design are going to be studied at the University of Kansas, but not in the way advocated by opponents of the theory of evolution.

A course being offered next semester by the university religious studies department is titled "Special Topics in Religion: Intelligent Design, Creationism and other Religious Mythologies."

"The KU faculty has had enough," said Paul Mirecki, department chairman.

"Creationism is mythology," Mirecki said. "Intelligent design is mythology. It's not science. They try to make it sound like science. It clearly is not."

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