Tuesday, November 08, 2005

The "Gay Focker" Scene May Be The Funniest In Movie History

Fascinating Post story today on the juicy new book by Britain's former US ambassador that's currently all the rage across the pond. On a less busy day I might explore Christopher Meyer's claims that Tony Blair, "seduced" by American power, squandered the leverage he had to delay the Iraq war until more was known about Saddam's WMD and until postwar plans were clearer. Instead, I'd like to flag this passage, about the day in 2001 when Bush and Blair first met:

That night, the Blairs watched the film "Meet the Parents" with the Bushes. Meyer wrote that Bush "split his sides" laughing when he heard that the character played by actor Ben Stiller was named "Gay Focker."

Sometimes you have to wonder if Will Ferrell's version of George Bush is much, much closer to reality than we realize.

--Michael Crowley

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