Friday, October 07, 2005

The Failure of Gay Activists

Iran executes gays and Hamas will outlaw it in the new Palestinian state. Where are the gay rights activists? AWOL.

When it comes to the oppression of gays and lesbians in Muslim countries, gay activism hasn't died; it never really existed. Gay activists have used two types of excuses to justify their failure to aggressively mobilize for the rights of gay Muslims--moral and strategic. The moral argument is that Americans are in no position to criticize Iranians on human rights--that it would be wrong to campaign too loudly against Iranian abuses when the United States has so many problems of its own. Then, there are two strategic rationales: that it is better to work behind the scenes to bring about change in Iran; and that gay rights groups should conserve their resources for domestic battles.

The strategic rationales are not especially compelling, but it is the moral argument that is particularly troubling, because it suggests that some gay and lesbian leaders feel more allegiance to the relativism of the contemporary left than they do to the universality of their own cause. Activists are more than willing to condemn the homophobic leaders of the Christian right for campaigning against gay marriage; but they are weary of condemning Islamist regimes that execute citizens for being gay. Something has gone terribly awry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is no such thing as a "gay Muslim." That's like saying you're a "Communist Democrat" or a "Catholic Baptist." Being "gay" is incompatible with being "Muslim." Those who are "gay" and of a Muslim religious background and who live out a gay lifestyle are, by definition, no longer muslim. Hence the reason Iran executes them and Hamas will outlaw the gay lifestyle. Islam was founded by a guy who thought it was A-OK to kill people who didn't agree with his particular politics -- gays, Christians, Jews, people who wanted out of the "religion." Gay people in the Middle East know better -- there's no possible way the establishment/henchmen will tolerate what Americans view as alternate "sexual orientations" or "lifestyle choices."