Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Ooooh! Ahhhhh!

SORRY, Richard Gere, but Owen Wilson (above) doesn't share your adoration of the Dalai Lama. Wilson tells Playboy that he went to hear the Tibetan spiritual leader speak at UCLA once to "impress a girl" and "the crowd made me want to throw up. At the end of his corny lecture, with a bunch of goofball utopian ideals, he opened it up to questions. Somebody asked, 'What's the answer to world hunger?' And his answer was like, 'Sharing!' And everyone oohed and aahed like he'd just solved the problem. Somebody else asked, 'What's the solution to racism?' And he came back with, 'We all have the same color of blood,' and everybody was swooning. I just couldn't believe what the big deal was."

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