Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Bad Law

I'm with the Dems on this one:

The bankruptcy bill would make it harder for people to abandon their debts by filing for bankruptcy.

The changes have been long sought by credit card companies, retailers and auto lenders but efforts died in the previous Congress in a standoff over the abortion language.

This year, House of Representative leaders have promised to move the bankruptcy legislation quickly if the Senate passes it without dramatic changes.

The Senate was expected to vote later on Tuesday on a motion to limit debate on the bankruptcy overhaul bill. If that passes, the measure could pass the chamber by the end of this week.

At the heart of the legislation is a means test that would determine if people filing for bankruptcy earn enough to pay off their bills. Some filers would be forced into repayment plans, rather than having their assets liquidated to repay creditors.

Instead of changing the bankruptcy rules, credit card companies (and others) should stop giving credit away to individuals with poor credit (or without the means to pay off debt). They make their beds, so they should sleep in them.

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