Wednesday, February 23, 2005

The Return of Gluttony

Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee has lost 110 pounds. Read about it here. Why did he do it?

"If my body belonged to the Lord, I was not following the design of the Designer," said the governor.

It is a matter of the divine ownership of the body, said Huckabee.

"I was living in a way that made my body unfit as a temple where He might live. It was not only unhealthy. It was sinful," said Huckabee.

Ah, yes, gluttony. One of the seven deadly sins, yet largely ignored as a spiritual issue in today's culture. But it is. Our weight, like our sex lives and integrity and attitude, is a reflection of our obedience to God.

The worst part about the sin of gluttony is that it is - usually - out there for all the world to see. It's difficult to hide 100 extra pounds.

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