Tuesday, November 16, 2004

The Left Still Doesn't Get It

Here's MSNBC's Chris Matthews, on last night's Hardball, posing a question about the alleged shooting of an unarmed Iraqi combatant by a United States marine, to Ken Allard, retired military:

"Well, let me ask you about this. If this were the other side, and we were watching an enemy soldier --a rival, I mean they're not bad guys especially, just people who just disagree with us, they are in fact the insurgents, fighting us in their country-- if we saw one of them do what we saw our guy do to that guy, would we consider that worthy of a war crimes charge?"

Now, I realize that NOBODY watches "Hardball", but at what point will the networks dispose of nitwits like Matthews. "Rivals"? "Not bad guys especially"? What the hell is he talking about. Does he watch the news? Does he have any idea what's going on? Obviously not.

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