Monday, October 18, 2004

John the Apostle

Once again, a politician is mixing religion and politics.

COLUMBUS, Ohio, Oct. 17 -- John F. Kerry is evolving from a reserved Catholic reluctant to discuss faith in the public square into a Democratic preacher of sorts who speaks freely and sometimes forcefully about religion on the hustings.

From the pulpit to the pastures, Kerry is increasingly spreading a more spiritual message and visiting local churches, as he did the past two days in Ohio, to expound on the political lessons of the Bible's James and Saint Paul.

I'm sick and tired of these right-wing Republican theocrats always talking abo....uh, nevermind.

UPDATE: Imagine if a priest endorsed Bush this way:

A few hours later, a Roman Catholic priest in nearby Chillicothe praised his [Kerry's] religious beliefs at a Saturday afternoon service arranged for the traveling candidate.

"If dare we say by the grace of God the brother should be the one chosen to lead, it is our hope he will one day come back to us and celebrate with us as president of the United States, not in this small room, but in the church where we will do it openly, publicly, proudly," the Rev. Lawrence L. Hummer of St. Mary's said on Saturday.

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