Wednesday, April 05, 2006

This Is Hazing?

Come on, get serious. I only wish the Dekes considered this life would have been much easier.

BURLINGTON, Vt. --A University of Vermont fraternity has been suspended during an investigation of a party that may have included hazing and underage drinking, a top university administrator said.

Members of the Phi Delta Gamma chapter on campus will be permitted to live in their fraternity house, but no chapter activities can be held while the fraternity remains under the interim suspension, said Tom Gustafson, student and campus life vice president.

The investigation by university police has just begun but preliminary reports alleged that fraternity members required pledges to wear cowboy clothes in a theme inspired by the movie "Brokeback Mountain." Pledges then allegedly were taunted with homophobic comments.

"We just learned about it today, just barely started up the investigation this afternoon," Gustafson said Tuesday. The party may have been held a week to 10 days ago, he said.

"Any time there's even a hint of potential hazing, we want to be very assertive about following up," he said. "We're hoping to get to the bottom of it."

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