Friday, May 27, 2005


If ESPN thinks it's news that Adolph Rupp may have been racist 50 years ago or Rex Chapman was discouraged from dating black girls, what about this?

The crosses were raised quickly at night, and by morning not much remained but ashes, pieces of burned burlap and some kindling.

Still, the three symbols of Southern racism that were lit Wednesday night at three locations across Durham seared the conscience of the community. It responded with vigils, hymns and candle-lit events intended to send a loud message: Cross burnings will not be tolerated here.

"People in Durham are not going to let this go down," said Theresa El-Amin, director of the Southern Anti-Racism Network in Durham, who organized a community breakfast at 8 a.m. today at the Mad Hatter's Cafe and Bake Shop on West Main Street. "This is a mean and evil thing."

Durham police were investigating Thursday, but a police representative said they had few leads into incidents that took place in the span of an hour. The Federal Bureau of Investigation was looking into the possibility of a civil rights violation.

Let's see if ESPN reports on that cauldron of hate that is Durham, NC...home to Duke University. I'm not holding my breath.

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