Wednesday, June 28, 2006

That's A Lot Of Beer

SIOUX FALLS, South Dakota (AP) -- In a desperate effort to fight the ravages of alcoholism on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, leaders of the Oglala Sioux tribe are threatening to set up roadblocks Wednesday and stop members from bringing in beer bought at four outlying stores.

Alcohol has long been banned on the 16,500-member reservation, where drinking has been a scourge for generations. But four stores in Whiteclay, Nebraska, a dusty village a few hundred feet outside the reservation, sell an estimated 4 million cans of beer every year, mostly to Indians.

Tribal members said that from now on, they will confiscate beer bought in Whiteclay.

I'm not sure how big this tribe is, but 4 million cans of beer a year translates into 10,959 cans a day, or 457 cases. That's 457 cases of beer, 365 days a year. Wow!

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