Thursday, October 13, 2005

Quote of the Day

"These so-called movement conservatives don't have much of a following, the ones that I'm aware of. And you just marvel, these are the senators, some of them who voted to confirm the general counsel of the ACLU to the Supreme Court, and she was voted in almost unanimously. And you say, 'now they’re going to turn against a Christian who is a conservative picked by a conservative President and they’re going to vote against her for confirmation?' Not on your sweet life, if they want to stay in office." - Pat Robertson, on the 700 Club.

With all due respect as a fellow Christian, Pat Robertson is a dumbass. Being a Christian is not the sole prerequisite for higher office. Hell, Jimmy Carter is as Christian as it gets, and he's a bafoon and was a disaster as President. A Supreme Court justice, especially one that needs to drive the direction of the Court, needs strong character and judgement, as well as great intellect, Constitutional knowledge and charm. Harriet, as far as I can tell, exhibits very little of the latter.

Harriet was an awful, awful, awful choice. Bush lied, and my Supreme Court hopes died.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My, how one vacillates.