Friday, September 16, 2005

The Greatest Athlete Ever?


Some people are just destined to lead interesting lives.

Kevin Mitchell was a professional baseball player. That's already a mark of distinction, enough to earn him a writeup. Moreover, he was good, winning the National League Most Valuable Player award in 1989.

But that's not what makes him interesting.

How many people strain a ribcage muscle while vomiting? How many baseball players have gotten into a brawl and punched the opposing team's owner? How many people have caught a hard line drive hit 300 feet — with his bare right hand? How many people contribute to the arrest of a friend by leaving him a comp ticket? How many people showed up late for spring training because of emergency dental work needed after eating a chocolate donut? Who allegedly beheaded a cat to solve a domestic dispute?

And how many professional baseball players have been unable to complete the Cleveland Indians' 850-yard training run for spring training?

For the last question, the answer is one: Kevin Darnell Mitchell.

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