Wednesday, September 07, 2005

An Athiest Rips Liberal Christianity

Filmmaker Brian Flemming says:

The biggest division on the panel was not between Moore and me, however. I think that fundies believe crazy things, but I acknowledge that once you step into their fantasy world where a hateful, disturbed god wrote a book called the Holy Bible, the hateful, disturbed conclusions of Christian fundamentalists do make some kind of internal sense.

Liberal Christianity, despite being non-hateful and on many issues even ethical, is hopelessly incoherent, however. Liberal Christianity says a perfect God wrote a perfect book--but he made mistakes. Or, alternately, liberal Christianity says the book is an extremely flawed and even disgusting work written by men--but special attention should still be paid to it. Liberal Christianity says religion shouldn't stand in the way of science--but a dead man did really rise from the dead. Probably. Or, at least, it's not unreasonable to believe that he did (or that he turned water into wine and walked on water). Liberal Christianity says the love of Jesus is the only way to Heaven--but if some people don't believe that, it's fine to let their deluded souls go off to Hell without even trying to stop them. Or maybe Heaven and Hell don't exist at all--but it's still very, very important to praise this figure called "God." For some reason.

Liberal Christianity wants to drink the Kool-Aid but pretend there's no cyanide in it.

Amen brother.

1 comment:

wintermte said...

I have to admit that there are fundamentalist Christian groups that are hateful, but those groups are no better than the Liberal groups. The Bible does not teach hate or intollerance, it teaches love.

The Bible tells us that Jesus was sacrificed so that we may be saved from our sins and accepted into Heaven. All that we have to do is accept into our heart that Jesus is our savior, and that he forgives us any wrongs/sins that we have commited as long as we can truthfully admit that they are sin.

Living a hateful intolerant life, is not the type of life that Jesus told his disciples to live. Jesus was once asked why he spends to much time with sinners and immoral people, and he replied because they are the ones that need his help the most. This doesn't tell us to be hateful of those that don't accept Christ, it says to live with them and teach them Christ's ways. We can't change other peoples hearts, but we can be sure they at least can make a somewhat informed decision.

I used to think the same way as you seem to, but then I actually picked up the Bible and studied it. Read some of CS Lewis's work (Mere Christianity in particular) and you will understand that the hateful fundamentalists and the ultra libral Christians are both in the extreme.