Monday, August 01, 2005


The boys from P.O.D. (the P-Man's favorite) have a new CD coming out in the fall. I just came across this little nugget on their web site.

Last week Sonny and Wuv flew to New York to present 6 songs from their upcoming record, TESTIFY to the Atlantic Records staff!!

Sonny and Wuv stood up in front of the executive staff at Atlantic Records and shared about their faith and vision to continue bringing their message to the world.

In the meeting Sonny said, "I believe in Jesus Christ. I will never back down from my faith...We know that no matter what happens, our name is good on the streets. You can ask anyone and we are good with the people in the streets. We do this in a way that even our own kids will look back and be proud."

I'm sure the suits at Atlantic were scratching their heads. Who is this Jesus fellow they keep talking about?

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