Wednesday, August 31, 2005

My Grandfather Wasn't No Monkey

Andrew Sullivan writes:

42%! That's how many Americans believe that the earth and all its creatures have always been the same since they were created by God in Genesis. Fully "70 percent of white evangelical Protestants say that life has existed in its present form since the beginning of time." 63 percent of them are "very certain" that this is true. I must say that there are times when one is rendered speechless. No educated intelligent person could possibly look at the evidence of science and say such a thing. And yet we are supposed to have a reasoned debate with these people on the matter. How is that even possible?

Actually, I have looked at the evidence and I do believe in a Creator. Imagine that.

1 comment:

Doug Fields said...

You're just an unintelligent, backward hayseed. Go back to selling your millions of pounds of plastics.