Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Super "Show Me The Money" Drew

Rosenhaus is such a sleazeball, it wouldn't surprise me if he pushed the kid in the water first and then save him just to garner the good publicity.

In the new logo that emblazons the front of the T-shirts often worn by the few employees of Rosenhaus Sports Representation, the "S" is large and exaggerated, reminiscent of the famous crest worn by Superman.

On Tuesday afternoon, for one imperiled toddler, NFL agent Drew Rosenhaus, who collects superhero figurines as a hobby, became a real-life Superman.

Orange County (Fla.) Police confirmed that Rosenhaus, acting quickly in a moment of crisis, saved the life of 4-year-old Maurice Hill, who had essentially drowned in the pool at the Grand Floridian Hotel in Orlando. Rosenhaus administered CPR to Hill, who had no pulse when he was yanked from the pool, until paramedics arrived and took over the treatment of the youngster.

"He basically brought [Hill] back," said Cpl. Carlos Torres, public information officer for the Orange County Police Department. "The kid was gone and [Rosenhaus] saved a life. It's legitimate. Who knows how it would have turned out had he not been around? The guy was a hero today."

Said Cpl. Bob Leben, the deputy who commenced the investigation of the incident: "[Rosenhaus] certainly stepped up."

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