Friday, July 29, 2005

The Seven Deadly Trappings of Evangelism

The fads of the evangelical church?


Anonymous said...

That is an awesome article, especially the knock on rapturism, which is Darby's made-up hooey, and LaHayes's built-upon hooey.

Anonymous said...

I'm tired of the circus. Tired of the religious television networks and nutcase excesses of the Pentecostals. I'm tired of the church growth bandwagon, the megachurches and the Christian publishing empires. I'm tired of so darned much attention being paid to music, especially such bad music. I'm tired of evangelism turning everything into manipulation and every person into a trophy or a salesman..

I'm tired of approaching most of the goodness of culture with a loaded gun. I'm tired of the next new thing. I'm tired of arguing over scripture, Bible translations and big words for inspiration. I'm tired of every division creating a camp, a seminary, a publishing house and a cult of personality.

I'm tired of treating other Christians like they were the enemy. I'm tired of hearing propositions as if propositions disconnected from life somehow present a better picture of Jesus. I'm tired of the church being belittled and personalities lifted up. I'm tired of gnosticism being passed off as Christianity, and the life management Jesus being bigger than the Savior on the cross.

I'm tired of criticizing Catholics for their sacraments while some hang onto things like the public invitation and the sinner's prayer as if they were right there next to John 3:16.
I'm not on a quest for authority. I'm not looking for a way to know I'm right. I'm not even lying awake wondering which denomination is the true church. I'm just fed up, and I'm increasingly emotional about it. I'd like to find a place for the amusement park that is evangelicalism to stop and let me off.