Friday, January 28, 2005

I Thought Communist Only Existed in the American Democratic Party

Tim Blair has Iraqi election news from down under:

The Iraq elections have begun:

The first votes in the world in the Iraq elections were cast in Australia this morning.
Polling centres in Sydney and Victoria opened at 7am (AEDT) for nearly 12,000 Iraqi expatriates who have registered to vote.

The Australian head of the Iraq Out-of-Country Voting Program, Bernie Hogan, said a crowd of people was waiting outside the Fairfield centre when he arrived.

"We had a line-up of probably 60 or 70 people at the front door at seven o’clock,” he said.Beautiful.

UPDATE: Meanwhile across the road, a small group of protesters from the World Communist Party assembled to demonstrate against the elections. These clowns apparently haven’t heard that the Iraqi Communist Party is fielding candidates in these elections. Whatever happened to “solidarity”, comrades?

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