Tuesday, December 28, 2004

How Things Have Changed

For all of President Bush's accomplishments, none is greater than the way he has changed the landscape of the Middle East. We've seen it in Afghanistan (free elections), in the Palestinian territories (the isolation of Arafat and ascension of Abbas who is now calling for an end to the Intifada), and in Israel (where the formerly hawkish Sharon is now pulling settlements out of the West Bank and Gaza). Bush is largely responsible for all of these changes.

But his greatest accomplishment is in (and through) Iraq. It is here that tyranny and despotism has given way to the hope of democracy. It is here that the battle has shifted from taking up arms to boycotting elections. Check out the latest from Osama:

CAIRO, Egypt (AP) - In an audiotape broadcast Monday by Al-Jazeera satellite television, a man purported to be Osama bin Laden endorsed Abu-Musab al-Zarqawi as his deputy in Iraq and called for a boycott of next month's elections there.

Think about this for a moment. Osama bin Laden, the great terrorist mastermind, the mighty warrior of Islam, is calling for....boycotting an election? Man, this is Jesse Jackson territory.

We know Iraq has finally arrived if, after the election, Osama calls for a recount.

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